Kartendaten © 2016 GeoBasis-DE/BKG (©2009), Google, Inst. Geogr. Nacional, Mapa GISrael, ORION-MENutzungsbedingungenFehler bei Google Maps melden


The exhibition was shown on May 24, 2019, during the
Diversity Day at FNWI

12:15 Welcome by prof. Richard van Wezel (Vice Dean Research)
12:20 Interactive workshop on inclusion by Sunny Bergman and Elvin Rigters
13:30 Short update from GenDi committee
14:00 Opening of the exhibition "Women in Mathematics" by dr. Francesca Arici (IMAPP)
14:15 Coffee and tea in the hallway

Huygens building
Heyendaalseweg 135
6525 AJ Nijmegen
The Netherlands


Workshop by Sunny Bergman and Elvin Rigters

During this workshop, Sunny and Elvin investigate the blind spots and stereotypes that cause inequality in our society. What affects the perspective of white, highly educated people who believe that color does not matter? And why do white people feel disadvantaged or even angry when it comes to racism and white privileges? In an interactive manner, Elvin and Sunny will challenge participants to honestly look at social power relationships and at their own blind spots.

About Sunny
For more than 15 years, Sunny has been making films in which she explores themes such as feminism and diversity from her personal perspective. Her documentaries "Slut Fear" (NL: Sletvrees) and "Limited shelf life" (NL: Beperkt houdbaar), triggered many reactions and had influence on the social debate on the beauty ideal of women. With 'Black as soot' (NL: Zwart als roet) and 'The color white’, she hit a sensitive nerve in the racism debate. In April 2019, her latest film "Man Made" was released, in which she investigates what it means to be a man.

About Elvin
Elvin Rigters is a cultural entrepreneur with extensive experience in theatre as a director and actor. He graduated from the Maastricht Theatre Academy (Director) and has a background in economics and educational sciences, he is primarily a child of Rotterdam. In his work, he looks for ways to raise awareness in people and make systems visible - back to the essence of art as social criticism. He also provides training on aggression and interculturalization. Elvin has been involved in the past in the establishment of several foundations that are committed to metropolitan issues such as child poverty or the breaking of the white milk glass ceiling by women of color on the work floor.

Sunny portret 2Elvin


For more information please contact Francesca Arici

Kartendaten © 2016 GeoBasis-DE/BKG (©2009), Google, Inst. Geogr. Nacional, Mapa GISrael, ORION-MENutzungsbedingungenFehler bei Google Maps melden

IMG_1553 IMG_1560 IMG_1569 IMG_1559 IMG_1574© Francesca Arici