Sylvie Paycha and Cornelie Mitcha Malanda
The joy of math for me is that it feels like you’ve discovered something
new when you understand something, even if it’s not new in the
literature out in the world. But it’s new for you, and it feels exciting,
like you’re back to being a child again. “Oh, wow!” I’m so fascinated
every time, like when I was a young child and saw chocolate for the
first time, and I screamed in joy, like that. I think when I’m working to
try to understand something, I’m just excited. Sometimes I don’t want
it to stop. I think to myself, if I stop here, I won’t be able to learn anymore
today. I have time left, I can still go on. It’s kind of like an addiction.
I got here today, but maybe if I push myself a bit harder, do it again, I’ll
learn more.«»I would say [to a young woman entering the field of mathematics],
just trust yourself. Be convinced. Be more confident. You will face
challenges, you will be down sometimes, you will cry, that’s true.
But don’t give up. You might feel down, you might want to cry, but you
will stand up again. Continue on your way. The peace that you will feel
from trying is so much better than living with regret all your life.
You have the capacity to do everything you want in your life. You need
to pay the price, sure, but you can do it. Be confident.