Information about the exhibition can be found here:
The precise location (Ground floor of the conference venue; Hellbrunnerstr. 34, 5020 Salzburg) is indicated here. The official opening took place on Monday, September 11, at 11:15 in HS 401 (Audimax). Addresses will be given by:
- Prof. Barbara Kaltenbacher (Vice-President of the ÖMG)
- Prof. Katrin Wendland
Immediately after the exhibition opening there was a Emmy Noether Lecture of the DMV given by Prof. Ursula Hamenstädt it had the title Dynamics on the moduli space of abelian differentials.
Here a report from the exhibition time in Salzburg by Maria Infusino.
For more details about the exhibition and the complete interviews please order the catalogue "Women of Mathematics throughout Europe. A gallery of portraits" from the publishing house VERLAG AM FLUSS, Albrecht Ecke, IBAN: DE89 1007 0848 0339 3402 00, BIC: DEUTDEDB110, € 19,50 incl. postal charges and packing within Europe. A small number of catalogues will be available at the reception desk.
We are grateful to acknowledge the support by gendup (Zentrum für Gender Studies und Frauenförderung der Universität Salzburg).