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Information about the exhibition can be found here: www.womeninmath.net

The precise location (Ground floor of the conference venue; Hellbrunnerstr. 34, 5020 Salzburg) is indicated here. The official opening took place on Monday, September 11, at 11:15 in HS 401 (Audimax). Addresses will be given by:

  • Prof. Barbara Kaltenbacher (Vice-President of the ÖMG)
  • Prof. Katrin Wendland

Immediately after the exhibition opening there was a Emmy Noether Lecture of the DMV given by Prof. Ursula Hamenstädt it had the title Dynamics on the moduli space of abelian differentials.

Here a report from the exhibition time in Salzburg by Maria Infusino.

For more details about the exhibition and the complete interviews please order the catalogue "Women of Mathematics throughout Europe. A gallery of portraits" from the publishing house VERLAG AM FLUSS, Albrecht Ecke, IBAN: DE89 1007 0848 0339 3402 00, BIC: DEUTDEDB110, € 19,50 incl. postal charges and packing within Europe. A small number of catalogues will be available at the reception desk.

We are grateful to acknowledge the support by gendup (Zentrum für Gender Studies und Frauenförderung der Universität Salzburg).

Kartendaten © 2016 GeoBasis-DE/BKG (©2009), Google, Inst. Geogr. Nacional, Mapa GISrael, ORION-MENutzungsbedingungenFehler bei Google Maps melden

Stadt-Land-Empfang in der Residenz im Rahmen des ÖMG-DMV-Kongress; Prof. Dr. Andreas Schröder, Prof. Dr. Clemens Fuchs, Prof. Dr. Verena Bögelein, Landeshauptmann-Stv. Dr. Christian Stöckl, Prof. Dr. Arne Bathke
Reception during the ÖMG-DMV congress: Prof. Dr. Andreas Schröder, Porf. Dr. Clemens Fuchs, Prof. Dr. Verena Bögelein, Dr. Christian Stöckl, Prof. Dr. Arne Bathke

Eröffnung der Ausstellung Women of Mathematics durch ÖMG-Vizepräsidentin Barbara Kaltenbacher
Opening of the exhibition "Women of Mathematics throughout Europe. A gallery of portraits" by the ÖMG Vize-President Barbara Kaltenbacher

Teilnehmer/innen des ÖMG-DMV-Kongresses besichtigen die Ausstellung
Participants viewing the exhibition

19th-mg-congress_05Plenary talk by Prof. Dr. Eichmair

Prof. Dr. Barbara Kaltenbacher im Gespräch mit Prof. Dr. Katrin WendlandProf. Dr. Barbara Kaltenbacher talking to Dr. Prof. Katrin Wendland

Prof. Dr. Friedrich Götze, Prof. Dr. Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, Prof. Dr. Gerd Faltings, Prof. Dr. Michael Röckner

Plenarvortrag von Prof. Dr. Michael Eichmair
Plenar talk by Prof. Dr. Michael Eichmair

Teilnehmer/innen des ÖMG-DMV-Kongresses im AudimaxParticipants of the ÖMG-DMV congress

© Christian Gruber, Universität Salzburg (PR)