The extended exhibition "Women of Mathematics", as it already has been shown in Kaiserslautern 2018, will be shown in Aachen, Germany, from November 29th until December 23rd, 2019. This event is organized by the SFB-TRR 195 (like in Kaiserslautern) in cooperation with the Gleichstellungsbüro der Stadt Aachen and the Volkshochschule (VHS) Aachen, see
Accompanying events will be the conference on Tropicalizing Flag Varieties, see
and the Nikolaus Conference 2019, see
For more information please contact Wolfgang Krass <krass@mathb.rwth-aachen.de>
Sabine Bausch, equal opportunities officer from the city of Aachen, Dr. Beate Blüggel, director VHS Aachen
Prof. Dr. Aloys Krieg, prorector RWTH Aachen
Prof. Dr. Andrea Blunck, University Hamburg, Professor for Mathematics and Gender Studies