Kartendaten © 2016 GeoBasis-DE/BKG (©2009), Google, Inst. Geogr. Nacional, Mapa GISrael, ORION-MENutzungsbedingungenFehler bei Google Maps melden


The exhibition " Women of Mathematics throughout Europe. A gallery of portraits" was opened in the Science Library at the University of Oslo on April 19, 2017.

Kartendaten © 2016 GeoBasis-DE/BKG (©2009), Google, Inst. Geogr. Nacional, Mapa GISrael, ORION-MENutzungsbedingungenFehler bei Google Maps melden

The exhibition was officially opened by Head of the Department of Mathematics at the University of Oslo, Professor Geir Dahl. He gave a short speech about how the department works for a gender balance amongst staff and students, in particular he mentioned the new "Girls in Mathematics"-project. Moreover, he challenged the Science Library to make a similar exhibition with the women of the department, since he missed Professor Ragni Piene in this exhibition.

Related events at the same venue:
April 27.th:  The Gömböc, the Sphere and the Pebbles of Mars. Foredrag ved Professor Gabor Domokos, Budapest University of Technology and Engineering.
May 16th: The Abel prize winner Yves Meyer's work - a talk by Arne B Sletsjøe, UiO May 24th: Abel breakfast with a VIP for the math students at UiO May 24th: Movie screening with Q&A: The man who knew infinity