The exhibition was shown together with photographs and short biographies of Latinamerican women mathematicians as from March 8th - 28rd 2018, in Santiago, Chile at the GAM, Centro Cultural Gabriela Mistral
Avenida Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins 227
Metro Universidad Católica, Santiago, Chile
The organiser of the event was the Collective of women in mathematics of Chile, in collaboration with PAR Explora of CONICYT, Región Metropolitana Norte.
For more information and the spanish translation of all interviews please get in touch with the Collective of women in mathematics of Chile.
The exhibition is sponsored by the initiative explora, par rm norte
© GAM, Centro Cultural Gabriela Mistra
© Darío Cuellar
© GAM, Centro Cultural Gabriela Mistral
Santiago of the venues which presented extended versions of the exhibition with extra panels portraying female scientists:
Carolina Bhering de Araujo, Brazil
Instituto de Matemáticas Puras y Aplicadas (IMPA), Brazil
Field of Expertise Algebraic Geometry
Carmen Cortázar Sanz, Chile
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Field of Expertise Partial Differential equations
Alicia Dickenstein, Argentina
Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Field of Expertise: Algebraic geometry
Lorna Figueroa Morales, Chile
Universidad de Santiago, Chile
Field of Expertise: Executive director of Propedéutico Usach- Unesco, regional responsable for mathematics Olympiads
Yboon García Ramos, Perú
Universidad del Pacífico, Perú
Field of Expertise: Optimization
Salomé Martínez Salazar, Chile
Universidad de Chile
Field of Expertise: Partial Differential equations, mathematical education
Mónica Musso Polla, Italia
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Field of Expertise: Partial Differential equations
Carolina Neira Jiménez, Colombia
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Field of Expertise: Global Analysis, analysis on manifolds
Amalia Pizarro Madariaga, Chile
Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile
Field of Expertise: Number theory
María Ofelia Ronco Vignau, Argentina
Universidad de Talca, Chile
Field of Expertise: Algebraic homology, algebra, algebraic combinatorics
María Soledad Torres Díaz, Chile
Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile
Field of Expertise: Probabilities, statistics