From 12 to 16 February, the Pati de Ciències of the Facultat de Matemàtiques i Informàtica hosted the exhibition.
Coinciding with the commemoration on 11 February of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, the Equality Committee of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science has organised the reopening of the exhibition "Women of Mathematics throughout Europe: A Gallery of Portraits". An exhibition that explains the experience of three women mathematicians who have become an example to follow for young scientists, becoming a benchmark of empowerment for future generations.
The exhibition was born out of the realisation that, at present, it is still difficult for women to embark on a career in the academic mathematical world, a fact that is compounded by the disproportion between men and women in this professional sector, bearing in mind that the number of women among professional mathematicians is minimal.
Once inaugurated in Berlin in 2016, the exhibition has travelled to more than 150 cities in Europe and beyond, including South America, Australia and Africa. The exhibition will be on display in the lobby of the Historic Building in 2019, and this year's commemoration of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science is a good opportunity to recover these inspiring testimonies. This format is conceived as an opportunity for networking that reinforces collaboration and exchanges between mathematicians from different countries and stimulates dialogue on this subject between the general public and mathematicians.
Elles poden, tu també!" (They can do it, you can do it too!) competition.
The UB's Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit (UCC+I), with the support of the rector's delegate for scientific dissemination, has once again launched the competition for researchers "Elles poden, tu també!", an initiative that aims to raise awareness, through Instagram, of the diversity of tasks, the difficulties, but also the rewards that this work has for women in their day-to-day lives.
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