When you face an incident or an obstacle, it is often difficult to know
what the reason is, whether it is because you are a woman, you are from
Costa Rica, or they just don’t like you. You often get the feeling that you
don’t belong.[…] There are also micro-aggressions from colleagues,
including those who get upset at me in discussions. Also very difficult
have been the obstructions to promotion. You have to wear a shell to
protect yourself.«»The discovery process is very joyful. The process of asking a question,
answering it, and the process in between, constructing a path. I like the
fact that you are free to choose the problem you want to think about. The
creative side is also satisfying. Creating something new doesn’t happen
every day. I find this process very rewarding.«»It is often very hard to answer the questions you ask, sometimes the
answer is out of reach, and sometimes the process is rather tough.
You might realise that answering the question you posed is beyond
what you can do. This can be very frustrating.