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The French version of the exhibition "Women of Mathematics throughout Europe" with 13 portraits, was presented at the Lycée Français Charles de Gaulle in London on March 3rd 2023. Sylvie Paycha delivered a mathematics talk "Compter l'infini" and  presented the exhibition to pupils of different age groups.

The exhibition was part of a Maths Festival aiming to inspire students and alumni to explore various aspects of  mathematics which included theater acts, and conferences by Ecole Polytechnique and Imperial College.

Here are the links to some of the articles published on March 8th 2023

- Article :

- Linkedin in which I mentioned Noel and tagged University of Potsdam

- LinkedIn  :

- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/lfcglondres/

- Twitter :

- Instagram :

Contact persons: Veronique FULLER <vfuller@lyceefrancais.org.uk> and
Nella Valoris <nvaloris@lyceefrancais.org.uk>

Kartendaten © 2016 GeoBasis-DE/BKG (©2009), Google, Inst. Geogr. Nacional, Mapa GISrael, ORION-MENutzungsbedingungenFehler bei Google Maps melden