A preview of the exhibition was shown at the
“Nationale Wiskunde Dagen” (only for registered participants)
Hotel NH Noordwijk Conference Centre Leeuwenhorst
Langelaan 3
3-4 Feb 2017
The “Nationale Wiskunde Dagen” are a postgraduate education event for high school mathematics teachers. It attracts about 700 participants. During the event, there is a special theme on “Women and mathematics”, with lectures on the mathematics of Sofia Kovaleskskaya by
L. Hoevenaars, Emmy Noether by G. Cornelissen and M. Mirzarkhani by R. Fokkink.
The exhibition will also took place at the
Universiteit Utrecht
Viktor J. Koningsbergergebouw
Budapestlaan 4a-b
3584 CD Utrecht
23 March - 14 April 2017
(Freely accessible during working hours.)
- Official opening during lunch on 23 March 2017 (birthday of Emmy Noether) 12:00-13:00
- Dutch Mathematical Congress 2017 on 11-12 April, at the same location, see
Contact person: Carin van de Weerd-Nijboer and Günther Cornelissen
Here is how the University Utrecht printed the PDF exhibition: https://int.pixum.com/
© Ivar Pel